Angie Willey
Associate ProfessorWomen, Gender, Sexuality Studies
University of Massachusetts Amherst
I am an interdisciplinary scholar working at the intersections of queer feminist theory, critical relationality, and science studies. My teaching and research are shaped by my commitment to interrogating stories about what we are that naturalize capitalism and the forms of belonging on which it relies for the distribution of rights and resources. I teach classes on the history of sexuality and race; queer and postcolonial feminist science studies; queer feminist knowledge making about bodies and natures; and relationships and belonging.
My work on non/monogamy, colonial sexual science, and critical materialisms has appeared in Feminist Studies; Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society; Feminist Formations; Journal of Gender Studies; Science, Technology, and Human Values; Archives of Sexual Behavior; and Sexualities and in edited collections on monogamy, on materialism, and on the science of difference. I am author of Undoing Monogamy: The Politics of Science and the Possibilities of Biology (Duke University Press, 2016) and co-editor of Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader (University of Washington Press, 2017) and special issues of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience on "Science out of Feminist Theory," the Journal of Lesbian Studies on "Biology/Embodiment/Desire," and Imaginations: A Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies on "Critical Relationality: Indigenous and Queer Belonging Beyond Settler Sex and Nature."
Gabe Kahan
Division III
School of Critical Social Inquiry
Hampshire College