A Selection of Introductory Guides

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"How do your hormones work?" TED-Ed (2018) "How do your hormones work?" TED-Ed (2018) A non-specialist introduction to hormones and the biological contexts in which they operate. The video debunks several misconceptions, with a brief discussion of gender. Watch the full video here. |
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You and your Hormones: an education resource from the Society of Endocrinology You and your Hormones: an education resource from the Society of Endocrinology You & Your Hormones is a source of expert information about hormones, aimed at students, teachers and the public. |
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UCSF Transgender Care "UCSF Transgender Care is a multidisciplinary program consisting of experts in transgender medicine and surgery at UCSF Medical Center. Our aim is to provide evidence-based, cutting-edge clinical care for transgender and gender non-binary communities, as well as to conduct pioneering research and train the next generation of medical providers on all aspects of gender-affirming clinical care." Read their published guide, "Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People" (2016). |
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Adelson, Stewart L., Nadia L. Dowshen, Harvey J. Makadon, and Robert Garofalo. “Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Health.” Pediatric Clinics of North America 63, no. 6 (December 2016): xvii–xxi. "Nonheterosexual orientations and nonconformity in gender expression are not uncommon in youth, and part of normal development. However, in addition to the normal health and mental health needs they share with all youth, certain aspects of LGBT youths’ development are unique. As LGBT youth are becoming increasingly visible in society, competence in caring for them and families is a core skill that is necessary for all pediatric practitioners. This issue is framed around key concepts. These include the biopsychosocial model, in which mental and physical health are interconnected and related to social factors, sexuality, and gender during development." —Preface |
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Life Outside the Binary: Nonbinary Transgender Information Centre Life Outside the Binary: Nonbinary Transgender Information Centre This tumblr-turned-digital-archive holds a remarkable collection of art, literature, and educational resources for the queer and trans community, with particular attention paid to concrete realities of living a nonbinary life. The site features long lists dedicated to everything from transgender legalities and medical operations to queer-friendly television and zines. Explore it all here. |
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Rian Hammond's "text for conjuring a hormonal hyperobject" Rian Hammond's "text for conjuring a hormonal hyperobject" As part of "Beyond Binaries: Towards New Constructs of Personhood and Gender," a seminar organized by the The International Studio & Curatorial Program and the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York, Hammond's experimental multimedia presentation traces hormones and their "socio-political-material web of becomings massively distributed through time and space." Explore the interactive webpage here. |